One day you wake up and see holes in your bed linen or slight irritation on your skin. Then you look on the carpet near your bed and see small dark brown insects. Carpet beetles have infected your...
Archives: Blog
Are you about to invest in a flooring option? Are you stuck choosing between Carpet and Carpet tiles for your floor? Are you looking for a step by step guide on carpet tile installation? You came to...
I decided to cover the floor in my entryway with carpet tile. I am so glad, that I’ve made this investment. It looks great. You may have many reasons to install carpet tiles in your house or yard...
What Carpet Cleaner is Best for Pet Urine? (5 Machines and 5 Cleaning Solutions)
Keeping pets is always a precious experience. If you have a carpeted floor, you must be aware of the inconveniences that can occur now and then. These include pets accidentally urinating on the...
What Causes Carpet Bugs? (These are 4 Types of Bugs You Might Have)
Have you ever found bugs in your carpets? Consider yourself VERY lucky if you haven’t. A bug infestation in carpets is annoying, destructive, and expensive. It not only takes a toll on your carpet...
Will Carpet Cleaning Kill Fleas? (Here is What You Need To Know)
Do you have fleas in your carpets? You must be sick of them. A flea infestation can be one of the most challenging and upsetting realities to face. The thought of your carpets not being clean from...