Dirty windows not only look awful but they can also block the natural sunlight from coming into your home. Cleaning windows seems like an easy task, but believe me, even the most professional cleaners can get it wrong. The end result can be windows with streaks and oily fingerprints.
In today’s age, organic creative cleaning is replacing the use of traditional chemical soaps and detergents. Vinegar has long been used for cleaning purposes and its solution with water is perfect to clean windows, especially glass windows. It is easily found in every home and all you need to do is make a solution in a spray bottle and voila! You are good to go.
A one-part vinegar and two parts water solution can get you squeaky clean windows without any residue or streaks. A vinegar solution is cost-effective, anti-bacterial, and non-toxic. If you want to clean a grimy window without streaks, vinegar solution is your go-to partner.

So now let’s see why and how you should by using a vinegar solution to get rid of dirty windows. Keep reading if you want to say goodbye to windows with streaks and grime forever.
Benefits of using vinegar to clean your windows:
Using a vinegar solution comes with many benefits apart from no streaks. Some of the benefits of using vinegar instead of a chemical detergent are described below:
- Leaves no streaks: You know how much annoying streaks can be on your windows, even if you clean them a thousand times. A vinegar solution will make sure there are no streaks left behind.
- It is anti-bacterial: Vinegar is acidic so it not only gets rid of grime and dirt but also kills many bacteria which can reside on window panels.
- It is non-toxic: It is not harmful or causes allergies like many chemical detergents. It is especially good if you have kids in the house who are at risk of ingesting it since it is edible.
- It is cost-effective: Vinegar can be found in local stores at a very cheap rate. You probably already have it in your kitchen. Another option is to buy it online for an economical price.
How to prepare a vinegar solution for cleaning?
1. Plain water
2. [amazon link=”B004B9DKAI” title=”Distilled or white vinegar”/]
3. A spray bottle or a bucket
4. A clean [amazon link=”B009FUFCDQ” title=”microfiber cloth”/] or [amazon link=”B07F9RGM6B” title=”squeegee”/]
[amazon box=”B004B9DKAI”]
If you are cleaning your window with vinegar for the first time, you will need to make a concentrated solution. For this purpose, mix one-part vinegar and one-part water in a spray bottle or a bucket.
If you clean your windows regularly with vinegar, you need to make a solution that is more dilute. For this purpose, mix one-part vinegar with two-part water in a spray bottle or bucket.
For stubborn grime marks and extremely dirty areas on the window, you can use vinegar straight on the window without diluting it with water.
Method to clean windows with Vinegar:
Before getting started with your wet cleaning steps, you need to use a paper towel or newspaper to clean the dirt on your window. Make sure to get rid of any large particles of dirt or mud that might be found on the glass panes.
Prepare the vinegar solution according to the size of the window. If your window is small and indoors, using a spray bottle will work best since it will not make any mess. If you have a large window outdoors, you might need a bucket to prepare your solution.
To avoid spills, place a towel on the window sill and floor. This will absorb any solution that trickles down the window glass.
To clean your windows, spray the vinegar solution on one window at a time. Once you have sprayed the solution, you should start scrubbing immediately to avoid streaks. Using a lint-free microfiber cloth is ideal but a paper towel or a newspaper also does a decent job.
Make sure to not spray on the window frame since vinegar can damage the vinyl or wood finishing, as well as dull shiny surfaces.
Cleaning should be done in circular motions with more focus on areas with dirt and grime. You can use as much vinegar solution as needed. For stubborn dirt marks, spray the vinegar solution on them and let it stand for a while. After a few minutes, use a soft sponge to scrub it off.
For outdoor windows with excessive dirt, it is advised to wash the window with soap water before cleaning with vinegar solution. This will ensure than the window has been properly cleaned and no dirt or bird droppings remain.
As soon as you are done cleaning the window, you should move on to drying. Never air dry your windows since this will leave stubborn streaks. Use a microfiber cloth for this purpose and if it is not available you can use paper towels or newspaper.
Drying should be done in Z-shaped motion as quickly as possible. Make sure the entire surface is completely dry and no moisture remains on the window.
Never use regular towels to dry your windows. Not only will they cause the appearance of streaks but they can also break your windows.

For larger windows, using a squeegee is the best option. Choose a rubber-bladed squeegee and dry your window with it from top to bottom. Clean its rubber blades after each swipe to avoid streaks and dripping. After drying with a squeegee, use a paper towel or microfiber cloth to make sure it is completely dry.
A solution of vinegar and water is a fool-proof method to get rid of dirt and grime on the windows without causing the appearance of streaks. It is non-toxic and cost-effective without any added chemicals that might cause damage when inhaled or ingested by children. All your need to do is follow the steps described above and your windows will never remain dirty again.
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