What is the first thing, which meets you, when you enter any house? It’s a doormat. This small, but very important detail of the interior can be very different – made of various materials, decorated with some patterns or appliqués. In this post, I want to focus my attention on doormats, made of coir. My readers often ask me, if they are waterproof.
You should know that coir mats are waterproof. Being part of the coconut palm, coir is a natural material that easily absorbs moisture. Then the coir mats dry out naturally and look like new. However, keep in mind that with improper drying, water stains may appear on the coir mat surface. If you want to know how to deal with water stains and how to clean coir rugs, keep on reading!
What is a Coir Floor Mat?

This floor mat is made of natural coconut fiber (coir). Coir is the substance, which is taken from the dry outer covering of the coconut. Then they use this material to make various things, like the core of the mattress or a pillow, pots for home plants, and, of course, floor mats, which can be used both, inside and outside.
Outside Coir Mats
I know that many of my readers do not even try to choose the right outdoor mat. Really, why should you spend a lot of time, choosing this item as after the first rain it can lose its great look? I assure you, this will never happen if you get a coir mat.

A doormat, made of coconut fiber, is an ideal choice for the area outside the house. It serves as a rough cleaning filter and it easily does the dirtiest job – cleans the shoes of your visitors and yourself.
Have you ever thought about how much work your outside mat does? The coir mat gets 75% of dirt and water from your visitors’ street shoes. Working as a huge rough brush, the coir mat makes the street shoes of each person coming into the house almost clean, taking mud, soil, and water away from your home flooring.
For coir mats, which you are going to use outside, it is better to choose an item with rubber padding. Although coconut fiber is a great material, which demonstrates perfect water-resistant skills, it fulfills its function better, if it is based on firm non-slip padding like rubber.
Inside Coir Mats

As for me, I prefer selecting inside coir mats to outside ones because in this case, you can let your imagination go wild and demonstrate your creativity. Inside coir mats can be of different shapes and sizes. They may contain interesting drawings and inscriptions, which add special charm to your home space. Besides, coir inside mats are very useful. They are durable, eco-friendly, and strong. Such mats serve for years and can easily cope with high humidity level in your room. At the beginning of this post I mentioned, that many homeowners wonder if coir rugs can get wet. Let’s go deeper into this topic.
Can Coir Doormats Get Wet?
You can easily get wet on your mats, made of coir. I’d like to remind you, that the coconut tree is a sea coast plant, which grows in a tropical and subtropical climate. So, the coconut, from which the coir is made, can easily get wet and then dry. So, coir mats are waterproof, and without hesitation, you can wipe wet shoe soles on them after walking in the rain. The high moisture absorption is one of the great benefits coir has in front of other natural materials.
But that does not mean that you can safely leave the coconut mat in a water puddle and forget about it for a few days. The wet coir has some drawbacks. First of all coir mats are quite heavy. The average rug, made of coconut fiber, which has a width of 0.4 m and length of 0.6 m, weighs 0.8 kg. When it gets completely wet, its weight is 3-4 times bigger, so it is equal to 2.4 kg. And this heavy mat is necessary to dry out carefully. Otherwise, water stains can remain on its surface. If occasionally you got your coir mat completely damp, dry it in the open area, turning from one side to another from time to time. If some water stains appeared on the dry coir mat surface, get some carpet powder. Then mix 1 part of powder with two parts of warm water and rub the water stain gently with a sponge. Then dry it out naturally or with a fan.
Coir Mats Pros and Cons
Before making the final decision I always advise my readers to look through the list of cons and pros and listen to the inner voice. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of coir mats, which I’ve discovered.
Pro 1. Coir mats are robust
Coir rugs are durable. Like a brush, they efficiently remove dirt and dust from the shoe soles. At the same time, the mats do not wear out and don’t change their form for a long time. That’s why they are so suitable as outdoor and inside mats.
Pro 2. Coconut fiber rugs are 100% eco products

I’ve got lots of letters from my readers, where they told me, that they care about environmental protection and prefer to get eco-friendly products. Coir mat is a 100% green product, made of coconut shells. To create it, the manufacturers didn’t kill any trees, didn’t test it on animals, etc.
Pro 3. Coir mats are hypoallergenic
Getting a coir rug is a must-have for you if you have at home any person, prone to allergy reactions. Coconut fiber is hypoallergenic. It never causes rhinitis, skin irritation, tearing, and other unpleasant health issues.
Pro 4. The coconut coir does not rot
The material, coir mats are made from, is very resistant to decomposition. It can last for years and never gets damaged by mold, mildew, and harmful bacteria.
Pro 5. Reasonable price
I am a carpet fan, so I am the first person, who can tell you that carpets are expensive! Many homeowners know, that they have to save cash before they can go to the store and get the rug of their dream. In the case of coir mats, you won’t need to ruin your budget to get a new item. The mat of 24 x 16 inches costs about $28 in Walmart.
I agree with you, coconut fiber rugs have lots of pros. But now get ready to hear some cons!
Con 1. Coir mats are shedding

Coir mats lost their fiber all the time. One of my readers wrote me, that every time she washes the floor under her coir mat, she sees lots of small fibers on it. That’s why it is necessary to have a robust vacuum cleaner to gather that lost fiber. If the coir doormat lies in a high-traffic area, it should be replaced every two years because of shedding.
Con 2. Coir mats are less fireproof
Being a natural material, the coir mat is quite flammable. That’s why I always warn my readers, that they should place the coconut fiber rug far from fireplaces, garages, and grills.
I think the main advantages of coir mats are their durability. They can serve during 6-10 years in the area with moderate shoe traffic. You can fully enjoy the great properties of this rug if you clean it right.
How Should I Clean the Coir Mat?

I am sure, cleaning coir mats is never hard for anyone. I’ve already mentioned that such rugs have to be vacuumed regularly. But during snowy or rainy weather the doormats – both inside and outside – can become very dirty. In this case, you should clean them properly. Please, follow my instructions!
1. Take a broom or a carpet rake and sweep away all visible dirt
2. Put the coir rug on a flat surface. Get carpet cleaning detergent, some warm water, and a brush, and clean the mat from both sides to get rid of the remaining dirt.
3. Let the coir mat dry in a natural way. You may leave it in the sunlight or dry it with a fan. Make sure, that the coir mat got dry before placing it in front of the door again.
If you clean your coconut fiber rugs in this way every season and vacuum them 2-3 times per week, they will serve you for ages.
Final Thoughts
So, my dear readers, I’ve shared with you everything I know about coir rugs. I am a big fan of these beautiful eco-friendly mats, which have many pros. They are waterproof, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and absolutely safe. It is a great choice for houses with kids. The price of a coir mat is comparatively low, so I am sure, you can give it a try!