If you’re reading this page, it must mean that you’re interested in cleaning your carpet or rug. Congrats! You’ve come to the right place.
Carpet and Rug world has over 200 posts regarding Carpet and Rug Cleaning, which is why we felt like a page that gathered the most important information was necessary. And this is in! In this page we’ll try to answer the most important questions that our readers usually have like: When to Hire a Professional, How to Hire a Carpet Cleaner (and not get ripped off), Carpet Cleaning DIY Guides, Best Carpet Cleaning Equipment or How to Clean Oriental Rugs.

We chose not to make this page too long (that way it’s faster to read and more useful to our readers), so we’ll try to answer to those questions on this page, but we’ll link to the posts in Carpet and Rug World that really explain them in detail. I would strongly encourage you to come back to this page every time you finish reading one of those post!
Think of this page as a Table of Contents pointing to the most important Carpet cleaning posts in the blog. This is what we’ll be talking about (in case you want to skip directly to one part of the post):
1. When to Hire a Professional
This is the most important question we get regarding Carpet Cleaning. Should you clean your carpet yourself or should you hire a professional?
The short answer is… Professional Cleaners will always do a better job than any DIYer. But! You can reach almost the same results as you would by hiring a professional Carpet Cleaner if you’re extremely consistent when it comes to cleaning your carpet when you have to. If you don’t clean your carpet when you have to, then only a professional carpet cleaner will be able to clean it properly.
This has a very simple explanation… when a carpet gets dirty, only the top third of the fibers are really getting dirty. If you clean your carpet soon, your equipment will be able to clean that top third of the carpet. But if you wait too much… then the dirt, soil or stain will fall to the bottom 2/3 of the carpet. And only a professional carpet cleaner will be able to clean it properly.
The key questions would then be… How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet? and How Much does Professional Carpet Cleaning Costs? I would encourage you to read those 2 posts. If you’re willing to put in the time (and work) and clean the carpet when it’s necessary, go ahead and buy a Carpet Steam Cleaner! But make sure it’s worth it! Do you know how much carpet cleaning is? and what benefits does it have? Read the following posts so you can make an informed decision:
How often you should clean your carpets for perfect results?
Some professionals exaggerate (A LOT!) when talking about how often you should clean your carpet. Take a look at the real frequencies certifying entities recommend!
Carpet Cleaning Cost 2022: Infographic
How much does carpet cleaning cost? What’s the average price? In this post we answer all your questions with a very useful infographic and a price calculator.
10 Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning
Carpet cleaning has a lot of benefits. And having your carpet cleaned by a professional has even more! Check the 10 benefits of professional carpet cleaning.
2. How to Hire The Best Carpet Cleaner in Town
I know… Hiring a professional carpet cleaner isn’t precisely fun. If you want to get a good price, you have to call dozens of carpet cleaners close to you home. And even then… how do you know they’re good at doing their job? And that’s quite an important question to answer, because a bad carpet cleaner could ruin your carpet. I’m sure you’ve heard about Carpet Browning. That happens because the carpet cleaner didn’t do the job the right way, and it could potentially ruin your carpet for ever.
So… What’s the best way to find a Carpet Cleaner in your area?
There are 1 ways that I would recommend:
1. Use a Professional Services Platform. Instead of calling dozens of carpet cleaners and requesting for a quote, you go into the Professional Services Platform and request a service. You’ll get as many quotes as you want! And what’s best… you’ll be able to see reviews from other customers. That way you’ll know you’re hiring a good carpet cleaner.
The Platform that I recommend the most is Thumbtack. They’re an amazing company! All you have to do is

3. Carpet Cleaning DIY: Everything you need to know
Ok! So you’ve chosen to clean your carpet yourself. That’s awesome! The first thing you’ll need is some sort of equipment (in the next section of this page you’ll find the best equipment you can use).
Once you have the necessary equipment, it’s time to clean your carpet! Using the different machines (Steam Cleaners, Robot Vacuums, etc.) is quite simple to be honest. So on this section of the post we’re going to be focusing on some of the most frequently asked questions regarding carpet cleaning.
If you don’t own any equipment, but you want to get out a stain in carpet, we have an AMAZING guide that will teach you how to do precisely that. It’s one of our most popular guides ever!
How to get out Stains in Carpet (8 methods for 32 types of stains)
Have you ever wondered how to get out stains in a carpet? This guide covers everything… coffee, wine, dirt, pee, food, nail polish or even glue!
Best Safe Cleaning Products for Carpets and Rugs
Your rug and carpet can suffer if you don’t use the right products. These are the best (and safest) cleaning products for your rugs and carperts
Why Does My Carpet Look Worse After Cleaning? The 3 Most common reasons!
Are you wondering why your carpet seems to look worse right after cleaning? This guide covers the 3 most common reasons why that might be happening and the 3 most common cleaning mistakes you should avoid.
How To Make Your Own Carpet Shampoo Solution. 5 DIY Recipies!
Need to clean your carpet? Confused whether to DIY or call a pro? Here’s how you can now make your own carpet shampoo solution for absolute cleaning.
4. Best Carpet Cleaning Equipment
It’s time to gear up! And we have some amazing posts you should check out.
There are 2 things that you should ideally own to be able to clean your carpet the right way. The first and most important is a Carpet Steam Cleaner. I’ve sait it many times before… I think that owning a Carpet Steam Cleaner is the wisest investment any carpet owner can make.
The second think is a vacuum cleaner. I love robot vacuums because they make vacuuming your carpet so much easier. But if you don’t want a robot vacuum cleaner (for whatever reason), we have some posts that cover all types of vacuums and which one is best to buy in 2022.
Also, if you have allergies, you should check out our post on the Best HEPA Vacuum Cleaners 2022. And if you own Pets, this is the post for you: What Carpet Cleaner is Best for Pet Urine.
The Best 5 Carpet Steam Cleaners That Are a Proven Success!
Want to buy the best carpet steam cleaner? In this guide, we review the most versatile, the best for allergy sufferers, the best professional, the best budget, and the best rated.
The Best 5 Vacuum Cleaners That Are a Proven Success!
Are you searching for the perfect vacuum cleaner? In this guide, we review the best overall, the best for allergies, the best for deep cleaning, the best for everyday use, and the best robot.
The Best 5 HEPA Vacuums That Are a Proven Success!
Want a HEPA Vacuum Cleaner? In this guide, we review the best overall, the best value, the best for allergy sufferers, the best for pet owners, and the best cordless one.
The Best 5 Robot Vacuums That Are a Proven Success!
Want to buy the best robot vacuum? In this guide, we review the most effective, the best value for money, the best for pet owners, the most versatile, and the quietest one in the market.
The Best 5 Stain Removers That Are a Proven Success!
Are you searching for the best carpet stain remover? In this guide, we review the best overall, the best value for money, the best for pet owners, the best multipurpose, and the most eco-friendly ones.
What Carpet Cleaner is Best for Pet Urine? 5 Machines and 5 Cleaning Solutions
Are you tired of staring at pet stains on your carpets? We have listed the best carpet cleaners for pet urine along with their buying guides.
5. Oriental Rugs
We decided to add this section because a lot of you were asking us how to clean Oriental Rugs. The truth is… it’s not that simple. Which is why we always recommend hiring a professional through a service like Thumbtack.
However, if you want to try to clean it yourself before you hire a professional, here are a couple of posts that I’m sure will be helpful! But before you do, check out the post on How Much Does it Cost to Have an Area Rug Cleaned. It might not be as expensive as you think and you’ll save a lot of time. Not to mention that a professional won’t ruin your rug!
How much does it cost to clean my area or oriental rug? (Infographic)
Cleaning an Area Rug or Oriental Rug can be very expensive. Make sure you read this guide by professionals to know how much it costs depending on the type of rug you own and its size!
This is How To Find the Best Carpet Cleaners in Your Area!
The cleaner your carpets are, the better they will look, and the longer they will last. Read this post to learn how to find the best carpet cleaner in town!
How Do You Clean Oriental Rugs At Home? A Comprehensive Guide!
Keeping your oriental rug clean will extend its life and prolong its beauty. Read this complete guide to learn how to rid it from dirt, spots, and odors!
Persian Rug cleaning. This is the Right Way!
Persian rugs look amazing and their value can increase a lot in time. That’s why persian rug cleaning is such an important topic! In this post we cover everything you’ll ever need to know.
6. Other FAQ
Last, but not least, we added this section with a couple of questions that -for some reason- we get asked all the time!
Why Does My Carpet Look Worse After Cleaning? The 3 Most common reasons!
Are you wondering why your carpet seems to look worse right after cleaning? This guide covers the 3 most common reasons why that might be happening and the 3 most common cleaning mistakes you should avoid.
Why Do New Carpets Smell? 7 Methods to Eliminate Carpet Smell!
Have you ever wondered why new carpets sometimes come with a weird, chemical smell? In this post, I am going to talk about what that smell is and how you can keep yourself safe.
How to Steam Clean Couch: Ultimate Step by Step Guide (DIY)
The Ultimate Guide to Steam Clean your Couch! All the information you need to DIY, How to, and hire a professional in case you need it. Includes pictures!
How to get mold out of Carpet, 8 Methods (#4 Works Great!)
Having mold at home will not only give an unpleasant look and smell, but it can also be very harmful to your health. Learn how to get mold out of your carpet with this ultimate guide!
And that’s it! I really hope you found this guide useful. Just FYI, we have similar guides on other topics like How to Buy a New Carpet, Ultimate Vacuum Cleaners Guide or a Rug Buying Guide (with amazing shops not a lot of people know about!).